Robert de Metz


Robert de Metz was born in France in 1952. A graduate of the Institut D’études Politiques of Paris, he also studied at the Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA, the French National School of Public Administration) from the Michel de l’Hopital promotion in 1979.



Robert de Metz debuted his career in the General Inspectorate of Finance as Finance Inspector from 1979 to 1983. In 1983, he joined Banque Indosuez holding various positions in France and Hong Kong before starting at Demachy Worms & Cie where he was employed as Central Director and later promoted to Secretary General.

The beginning of 1990 saw his integration within the Paribas Group and the following year he was Special Advisor to the Supervisory and Management Board of La Compagnie Financière de Paribas. In 1994, Robert de Metz was appointed Secretary General of the Group and became a Member of the Executive Board of Directors in 1996. As a member of the Management Board in charge of the Fixed Income, foreign exchange and derivatives markets, he was also responsible for the London headquarters in 1998.
Between 1993 and 1999, Robert de Metz served as Director at Cobepa and Member of the Audit Committee until October 2011 at Belfius Bank SA/NV.

Robert de Metz joined Vivendi Société Anonyme – formerly Vivendi Universal – in 2002 where he held serveral posts. From September 2002 to 2007, he performed the duties of Deputy Managing Director in charge of Mergers-Acquisitions and Strategy as well as Director of Strategy and Development to finally hold the position of Chairman of Vivendi Mobile Entertainment from April 2005 to January 2008. He also worked as Fund Manager.

From 2009, Robert de Metz was appointed Independent Director of Dexia and was elected Chairman of The Board within Dexia Crédit Local Société Anonyme (Dexia SA) on the 2nd August 2012. Among many other functions, he was also Executive Director at La Fayette Management Ltd.

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Robert de Metz is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Canal+ France, the Director of Média-Participations (Paris-Brussels) and of L.A. Finances. He is also Member of the Executive Committee of the House Fondation Demeure Historique pour l’avenir du patrimoine and the CEO of Bee2Bees SA in Brussels.

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