Florent Menegaux

Born on the 16th February, 1962, in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, Florent Menegaux has been president of the Michelin group since May of 2019 when he succeeded Jean-Dominique Senard after Senard moved to Renault. 


Menegaux attended Paris-Dauphine University. In 1986, he graduated with a Master’s Degree in finance, management, and economics. 


After he graduated, Menegaux’s first appointment was with Price Waterhouse as a consultant. His skills were soon recognised and he was promoted to a management position with responsibility for interest rate risk control and management for banks. 

He stayed with PwC for five years before moving to logistics company Exel Logistics France as their Finance Director. After only six months, he was promoted to General Manager. In 1995, he joined the Norbert Dentressangle Group as the General Manager of their general cargo transport division. 

His career at Michelin began in 1997 when he was appointed as commercial director with responsibility for truck tyres in the U.K. and the Republic of Ireland. His next promotion was to Sales Director for Truck Tyres, Original Equipment, and Replacement markets for North America in 2000, and then to Head of Truck Tyres for South America in 2003. 

2005 saw Menegaux appointed head of the Africa/Middle East zone and then a year later he took over responsibility for Michelin’s European Passenger Car and Light Truck Tyre Replacement Business Unit. In 2008, he was made the global Executive Vice President for Michelin’s Passenger Car and Light Truck activities. This last appointment also saw him become a member of Michelin’s Executive Committee.IN addition to his Executive Vice Presidential duties, he also was put in charge of Michelin’s motorsports activities and their materials business. 

His move up the company ladder continued with his appointment as COO in 2014 and then as Senior Executive Vice President in 2017. The duties of supervising Michelin’s business directions, and the manufacturing, supply chain and customer experience operational directions were added to his portfolio in January of 2018. 

In May of 2018, he was appointed as Managing General Partner of the Group and almost exactly one year later, he was named as CEO of Michelin. 

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