Jacques Bailet graduated from “HEC,” The School of Business Studies (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales), located near Paris, a superior business university widely considered as one of the best business schools in Europe.
Jacques Bailet is the CEO of MEDICA, and served as CEO of Médica France starting in 1999. In that year, MEDICA was acquired by the “Société Centrale Immobilier de la Caisse des Dépôts” (SCIC – or, the Central Real Estate Company of Depository Funds). At the time of his first appointment, MEDICA’s capacity was about 2,500 beds (now having grown to 14,000 beds in many facilities.) Bailet executed a diverse set of financial roles including representation of Medica France as Manager of Topaze, CMA and La Roche Samuel. He also Co-managed Maison de Retraite, and managed the “Institut des Bonnes Pratiques,” of Istar Industries, Société Civile d’Investissement, as well as Société Civile d’Investissement for MEDICA. Following this diverse set of experiences in finance, he was appointed Executive of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) in 1989, which eventually acquired MEDICA. From this Bailet gained the experience, knowledge, and insight to manage both commercial profitable enterprises and governmental entities. He served for Quatre Trèfles (Four clovers,) Qualité et Santé Suisse (Swiss Health Care Quality,) Projenor, and Aetas. Bailet worked as Vice Chairman of Synerpa, a company dedicated to retirement residences. He was a member of the board of Invamis, and also served as Director of Qualisanté and FHP (Fédération de l’Hospitalisation Privée). The diversity of experience in the career of Mr. Bailet is apparent and extraordinary.