Craig H. Muhlhauser


Craig Howard Muhlhauser holds a Bachelor degree in aerospace engineering and a Master degree in engineering mechanics from the University of Cincinnati, where he studied from 1966 to 1976.



Career path of Craig Muhlhausen began in 1971 at General Electrics, in the Department of aircraft engines and energy systems development. Between 1990 and 1995, Muhlhauser held various senior management positions at Lucas Aerospace, the motor industry and aerospace industry components manufacturer, and Asean Brown Boveri, a company operating in the power and automation technology and robotics areas.

In 1995, Craig Muhlhauser was appointed as a Vice-President of Sales and Services for the USA and a VP of Global Sales at Pratt & Whitney, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation specialized in aircraft manufacturing, repair and design. He held this position until 1997, when he was selected as a Vice-President of Ford Motor Company and a Vice-President of its subsidiary Visteon Company, a manufacturer of climate and interior systems and other vehicle equipment. In 2001, Muhlhauser was appointed as a President of Exide Technologies, one of the global leading producers of batteries.

In 2005, Craig Muhlhauser joined Celestica as a President and Executive Vice-President of Global Sales and Business Development. One year after, he was appointed as a CEO of the company.

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Craig H. Muhlhauser is a member of the University of Cincinnati Foundation.

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