Gilles Benoist, born December 12th, 1946, is the General director of CNP Assurances
After having earned a BA in law, Gilles Benoist entered l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris then was admitted to the ENA where he was part of the Simone Weil graduating class.
After leaving the ENA in 1974, Gilles Benoist held jobs from the very beginning with massive responsibilities. Between 1974 and 1981, he was the Director of the Cabinet for the Prefect of Oise, Secretary General of Ariège and Director of Cabinet of the General Director of Local Communities at the Ministry of the Interior. After 1981, Gilles Benoist became increasingly interested in economics and finance. He became the Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of Economics and Finance and the Referendum Advisor to the Court of Accounts in 1983. In 1987, he became Secretary General of Local Credit of France and Advisor to the General Director
Deputy of Cash Deposits before becoming its Director of Central Services.
His time as General Director of CNP Assurances came to an end last June. During his 14 years there, he established an amazing track record. In that time, revenue increased 80%.
Gilles Benoist began the international aspect of the company in 1999 by expanding into Portugal. Currently, the company has a presence in 11 countries, representing 20% of its business. The size of the company has doubled and Benoist can proudly say that not one of his affiliates are in the red, despite the current economic conditions.
Gilles Benoist is a member of the Administrative Council of the Suez Environment, his term will end the 31st of December 2013